A short “cycle” story
Brands, their products and services, and their visual language are part of our daily lives in a way we take for granted. Few know, however, that brands have their origins in cattle breeding. Branding, i.e., the marking of animals, has a long tradition in cattle breeding as the means to identify the owner of a particular herd. These brandings were (and still are) simple, distinctive, and thus instantly recognizable. No wonder this ritual of animal branding has become an integral part of today’s branding.
So it’s nice to see that branding, as we know it today, is once again providing benefits to the cattle industry. In an intensive, strategic branding process, Rinderzucht Austria has renewed its brand identity and thus also its self-image.
Rinderzucht Austria comprises more than 22,000 members. Maintaining a close personal relationship with each member is difficult. The brand offers an alternative form of identification and relationship building as it builds on the values of the members and fulfills an attractive value proposition. With the brand promise Passion For Generations, Rinderzucht Austria has focused on the purpose of its work for members and farmers in Austria. Cattle breeders are united by their great enthusiasm and dedication for their animals but also by their daily hard work. The passion for their animals and breeding keeps them going with conviction over many generations. The long-term goal of Rinderzucht Austria is to let this generational thinking live on within farming families, breeding stock, and in the cycle of nature.
A distinctive and simple logo as well as a unique brand visual language guarantee recognition, togetherness, and consistency in brand communication. The fact that the basic idea behind the new logo and visual language was derived from the shape of the cow gives it added charm. To quote creator and graphic designer Daniela Köppl: “The basic pattern of the cow is a resting cuboid or a dynamic square. The frame stands for a delimited area. A region. A country. A community. A herd. A set of rules.” It’s nice when brand language is simple, authentic, and to the point.
The interplay of an attractive value proposition and pointed brand image language generates strength of character and credibility and thus supports the already strong positioning of Rinderzucht Austria in the domestic and international market. A consistent image in communicative appearance and clear brand messages generate consistency and create added value—not just for Rinderzucht Austria but also for its members. This added value comes from recognition, the emotional charging of the brand, its increased competitiveness in the international market and, above all, long-term trust.
And so the circle closes from cattle to brand and back again.
Homepage Rinderzucht Austria: https://zar.at/
Homepage Daniela Köppl: https://www.danielakoeppl.at
© Photo: Daniela Köppl