Growing organizations are faced at some point with the decision of how many and which brands they need in order to present their services to customers and employees in a comprehensible way.
From the many options – from one corporate brand for all services to independent individual brands – we develop an optimal solution with you and work out its consequences for brand management. In coordination with corporate strategy and goals, clarity is created about the brand architecture and its organizational anchoring.
How can the company’s service portfolio be structured coherently?
- How many and which brands are needed?
- Which demarcation, connection and designation logic is comprehensible and attractive for customers and employees?
Destinations and regions increasingly see themselves as brands with the claim to create coherent, attractive experiences that are typical for the region at all contact points. Due to the heterogeneity of contact points and the often different objectives of stakeholders, all of which influence the perception of the region, consistent action becomes a challenge.
We involve all stakeholders in the development of a coherent future image for a region or destination with the help of participative processes. In this way, we generate the necessary commitment to create attractive experiences for locals and guests.
What does a destination or region stand for?
- What is the strategic future profile of the region?
- What makes it unique and attractive?
- What experiences and services should characterize its reputation?Which stakeholders are to be considered in the development and implementation of this profile?